Friday, January 30, 2009

Groundhog Day

Monday is Groundhog Day. We will be watching to see if Chuckie Weezer will see her shadow.
In weather lore, if the groundhog sees its shadow, it will return into its burrow and winter will continue for 6 more weeks. If it's cloudy, the the groundhog remains out and Spring is just around the corner.
Chuckie was born in spring of 2006, she was found beside her mom who had been hit by a car and killed. Her eyes had just opened and she was smaller than a can of pop. She has respiratory issues (kind of like asthma) that prevent her from being released into the wild. The volunteers had picked two different names they liked, Chuckles because she made everyone laugh and Wheezer because of her breathing (she wheezes when she plays hard) so we combined them to name her Chuckie-Wheezer.
Our crew will be out at the Wildcat Wildlife Center on Monday to get Chuckie's prediction. Stay tuned--and let's hope for an early spring!