Friday, July 18, 2008

Weekend Events

This little creature is an armadillo curled up in his shell. He was one of our guests on the noon show promoting the Zoo Run Run on Saturday. Registration is from 7-8am at the Zoo Administration building. The run/walk begins at 8:30am. You can get more details about the event at The event is a fundraiser for the Columbian Park Zoo. Participants get a t-shirt and passes to cool off at Tropicanoe Cove. Look for our weatherman Mike Prangley at the event. He helps organize it.
Organizers are promising a rockin' night of fun at this year's Dancing in the Streets. The event is from 4:00p.m.-midnight on Saturday in downtown Lafayette and across the bridge into West Lafayette's Tapawingo Park. There will be music and food. At 7:00p.m., there will be a classic car and motorcycle cruise. The laser light show will be just after dark in the West Lafayette side.
For details go to