Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair

The Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair is underway! I look forward to this time of year. It's an opportunity to see friends and enjoy some 'fair' food. Above is a picture of WLFI's Bruce Parker grilling up some ribeye sandwiches at the Cattleman Association's tent. There is also some good things on the menu at the Pork Producers next door. And, there's a great place to go in the air conditioning--the extension homemakers have great meals (even breakfast) at the end of the Home Ec Building. Monday night they were serving baked steak. But, don't get me wrong, I still like elephant ears and corn dogs!
Being a farmer's daughter, I enjoy going through the barns and seeing all the animals. This is a dairy calf named Oreo and his mother (off to the side) named Oprah. The Downard family is showing them. They were very gracious in letting my son pet them.
Going to the carnival was more expensive. Leuhr's Ideal Rides is charging a $1.00 fuel surcharge on each sheet of 20 tickets.

If you have time, also go through the exhibit buildings. 4-H members have many different projects that don't get the spotlight in the coliseum. They include photography, rockets, clothing, foods, veterinary science, and gardening.
Don't forget the Kiss-the-Pig contest Thursday night. Our reporter Julie Krizen will be representing WLFI. Look for the money-collecting jars in front of the Coliseum. The contest is at 8:20p.m.
For a complete list of the week's activities go to: